Sunday, June 17, 2007

It's just around the corner

Late June and early July is typically the "dead" time in the NFL. The draft and minicamps are over, and training camps don't begin for another month.

So what's a football fan to do?


The preview publications are beginning to appear, and two of the best year-in, year-out are produced by The Sporting News and Pro Football Weekly.

I like the Sporting News' annual because they utilize beat writers in each city to write the previews. There is no substitute for being there day-in, day-out.

Pro Football Weekly does football, and football only - every week of the season - and their annual is as thorough as you'll find in terms of player rankings.

I'll give special mention to Sports Illustrated, whose online coverage continues to improve, and whose NFL preview has the advantage of coming out at the end of training camp.

So get reading.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good idea! I recommend everyone grab a good magazine and go to the beach. Unplug the tv until September and enjoy your summer.