Let the holiday parties begin.
Super Bowl parties that is.
Sunday's game has become the United States' biggest unofficial holiday. TV ratings and advertising revenues prove it. The casual or non-football fans' sudden interest and passion about it reinforces that notion.
It's more than a game. Think about it - what do you remember most about last year's game? Seahawks tight end Jerramy Stevens' drops? Willie Parker's long runs for the Steelers? Or who you watched the game with? Your favorite commercials? Where you watched the game.
It's fitting the game falls on a Sunday, a day traditionally dedicated to gatherings of worshippers. The venues are different, but there are parallels.
Many gather with dear friends or make new ones. The messages regularly are riveting, inspiring and redemptive. The undercurrent is community. For one day, everyone belongs. Pick a team and you've got a stake. Pick a team and there is plenty to talk about, be it food, sports or other less important things in the world, and plenty of people to talk to about it.
Oh for more Super Bowls.
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